Since i am physically
separated from home most of the time, i don't get to drive a lot. So on the rare occasions of homecoming, that's the only time that i get to drive. Or in a better sense,
Frankly i don't consider myself a great driver. Though driving skills tend to be directly link with words like, "macho" or "man". (i got my license in a hurry, 2 lessons and then the test!) See the chain?
hunks-cars-driving skills-babes, its all connected. That's why its double the percentage of date success in college if u have a car :p And that' why
i'm single i suppose!
The thing bout driving to me is, its ironic! When i drive someone, and if the driving worries them, obviously
i'm losing credibility. But if it does not bother them at all, yea it means they trust you, or it may also mean you're
driving's taken for granted. The speed you keep, the momentum you maintained, the smoothness of switching gears, the timing of the brakes when you're ceasing the car.
Well of course that was just a minor little thing that caught me. Overall,
driving's real fun. Though i hear a lot of people complaining bout how boring and
monotonous it gets after years of driving, i still think its enjoyable. Its like maths, when you're trying to figure how thinks work, its frustrating. But once you get the hang of it, its fun!
XDBut the thing that 'confuse' me is, i see plenty of
girls friends
that've gotten through law test, on-the-road driving with
mr.extra brake, passing through the final driving test (or not), and finally, obtained their P license *
teng teng! But after all that, they're not gonna drive at all. Not to the fact that there's no car or of oil price, but just because, they are afraid to. (Don't get me wrong, i truly respect girls that drives manual, gosh feel like saluting you guys!)
nothing's wrong with that. Its just like, signing a
facebook account and never add people. Or, getting an Australian PR and settling down in Africa.
Come on guys, driving ain't that bad. Once you get the hang of it, you'll see yourself swearing fluently to cars around you while
smsing on the phone, checking your fresh pimple in the back mirror, changing radio channels and driving, all at the same time :D
Yep, my driving skills just went from infant level, to Paris Hilton's level :)
saw this outside a gift shop at wangsa maju, nice! XD