Wednesday, April 28, 2010


文章, 是一种不可思议的东西。

好的文章,明明里头写的不是你,但那种“无微不至”,感性得不得了的文笔,不得不让你感受到作者诗情画意的意境! 有时还会多加思想地希望, 文章里的“他”指的是吾 :p 也许,这就叫做感动吧!

文章,写得好不好是客观的,但我真的很喜欢你的文笔。很简单,很坦诚。写的不是什么国家大事或天大的道理, 没有觉得这世界有多需要听你的,反而内容都围绕着日常生活里那最简单的点点滴滴,很坦诚的看待每一件事。那种一点都不为自己的好文笔自豪的态度,也许你都没发现。但这就让你的文章更加值得欣赏了:)



Monday, April 26, 2010


plants, grows, and harvests rambutans (a tropical hairy fruit that doesn't tickles) in the humble land of Kuching. The rambutans always sells well and above average price because the species that dad has are much larger, sweeter and tastier than any other wild ones.


Followed to the market to do some grocery shopping the other day. Was looking forward to shopping at the market because i simply love markets :) Somehow, i felt excited when i saw a huge mountain of hairy red fruit in a fruit stall :)

However, my jaw dropped when i saw how much it cost...
$1aussie =1biji-K
$1aussie = R M 3

If that was true for dad, a few of that baskets can feed me for a year :D

dream laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thanks, for Kinabalu lll

It was since the trilogy that i haven't posted that much photo from a single trip. Sometimes i wonder, am i too fond of my photos to post so many of them. Usually people would pick their best and post up max 10-20 photos but i uploaded nearly 200 photos which swallowed days, because there's editing, and resizing each and every one of them. Sometimes it becomes specially sickening when the internet isn't fast so uploading 5 photos may take up to 20mins. However, i guess i like to tell full stories and share everything. So i guess its worth all the patience and work to just get a blog post done :) cheers!

It was 5 in the morning, and dad woke everyone up in excitement. "Hurry up or you'll not see the sunrise!" Aren't holidays suppose to be for rest, but then again if it wasn't for a holiday, you won't get to see things you can't on normal days. Lazily, i crawl out of bed and get changed before hitting the oil pedal driving in the pitch dark with headlights shining through the early morning mist.

Well, i guess it was definitely worth it to skip a few minutes of beauty sleep in exchange of the great dawn scenery.

doesn't it look like a drawing?

My view was like a canvas painted in black, and slowly the horizon was added with mild morning lights, that shone through the gap which defines the land and sky.

The difference between mountain and the sky above became more prominent as the sky lits up in brighter brilliant colors. Darkness had to give way to the glorious morning sky!

We went back to the view point the night before which had the best view of the mountain.

the lamps were still on

good morning to you

to you

And also to you ^^

The cliff was light up by the sun, as well as everything under the sun. The shadow effect created was astonishing :)

beautiful, yea? :)

Family photo! *snap
:) i didn't look like i've woke up havve i?

i like this one. do you?

like the saying, good view does not last ( direct translation ), the view was soon covered again by clouds. If the mountain were to understand, i would tell "him' a word, "sweat"

And so, we resorted to the beauty that was around us.

Morning Glory on a glorious morning :)

For those that knows, does this reminds you of the gazebo in SBS night? :)
i honestly think, that it was remarkable, considering the fact that we built it ourselves

Breakfast time!

haha, nothing like a buffet breakfast in a beautiful morning. Thanks dad! i knew you would suggested it. Really just gave the morning another great punch :)

The breakfast wasn't serving the best food, but with the view and some orange juice with fresh omelette, it was good enough for me. Dad left earlier to lit i suppose. While i was lazing at the table feeling my stomach giving a thumbs up, my phone rang and it was from dad? He insist i go back to the view point immediately.

With reluctance to leave the buffet, i went to the view point. Lo and behold, i understood the urgency of my dad's phone call..

Mount Kinabalu was at its best from what i've seen. No more disturbing clouds or any lining of mist. The mount was fully light up and you could clearly see every edge and angle as well as the tones of color from the highest almost frosty white tip to the greener rolling mountains.

Mum keep saying that she sees a gorilla sort of shape being chased by a rabbit? can u make that up?

I'm real glad that although my camera wasn't a DSLR, it could zoom that far and yet still have a clear picture of the mountain :)

With an adventurous family, we left that spot and went all the way to another location to enjoy the mountain view. In order to get there, which was the Mount Kinabalu Goft Club, we had to drive down the hill through villages and up again on a 45 degrees sloop.

The goft club was deserted. Partly because it was so far and difficult to reach. But the distance was definitely worth traveling!

dad, modelling.

Parents, modelling ^^

We head for the Kinabalu National Park last. This is where people go to register themselves to climb the mountain. And shallets like the one in the picture cause RM1000 for a night =.=

luxury, nah. Prefer to save that for seafood :P

Rolling mountains and fluffy clouds. Reminds me of "Sound of the Music" :D

umm, no idea what are they doing.

After having yet another of those expensive yet wonderful moment of coffee time :p, we headed back to Kota Kinabalu. The seaside photos were taken at Shangri-La and my gosh, so many foreigners!

Floating on air

ah, why not? :p but i'm sure i some sun bathing nude, just lying the other way round :)

All in all, Kota Kinabalu truly live up to its name. I had a great time being with my parents, driving up and down the hills, enjoying rich seafood and taking beautiful scenery photos. Yeap, i think the photos are great :) dad have been rushing me to post this up for all this while. Sorry for the delay and i hope you would enjoy KK as much as i do when you drop a visit.

So, to ask myself, will i still wanna visit Kota Kinabalu?

Yes, of course. Very much :)