Monday, February 28, 2011

Little things in life that I don't want to take for granted

I woke up today reluctantly to the beeping sound of my phone alarm. As usual the half awake body would always whisper a million excuses to wait for the next snooze but I really needed to get up to meet this guy which I grumbled bitterly for his insane early appointment (Well it's 8.30am so I have nothing to complain about actually). Gingerly, I dressed up and pulled my zombie legs to school.

It was an appointment to get registration forms from the vice-president of the Toastmasters Club. I was greeted by him warmly followed by the enthusiastic advisor who was so energetic and passionate about Toastmasters. I quote, "I am a club-ber, but I club in Toastmasters clubs around town, and I can go 2 clubs a day for a whole stretch of a week!"

After the motivated conversation, I waved goodbye to them. I was hyped up enough to convince myself not to go back to sleep so i headed to the cafeteria for breakfast along with the forms. Breakfast wasn't anything to shout about, but I did felt satisfied over the fact that I had breakfast. With a very happy tummy, I walked back to my room and got brainwashed by my bed to join his evil yet pleasurable cult.

Indeed cults are bad ideas. Was constantly woke up by calls and text messages that i decided to just forget about sleeping and get some work done. Lunch time followed and I joined Chien Ling at the hostel canteen. Its always nice to eat with her cause she has an eating speed that is almost as fast as mine, and she gives funny faces cause she feels uncomfortable when you look at her so that can substitute as dessert. While having lunch, Serene who was having her internship but got sent back to college for Career Fair texted me for lunch. I wanted to visit her plus I could use another meal so I went to college to drop by her booth.

Serene and I, along with his boyfriend and a Zuma Queen registered for a business challenge which the winner would be going to China for the global finals. We named ourselves "Miracles". Mum didn't like the name, so did Mr.Lim Ching Teck our bubbly lecturer. They thought it gave an impression of a reliance towards chance and not hardwork which was the realistic way to do things. I do agree slightly, but for me it is just simply opening up and letting ourselves believe in something much more than ourselves :) I never doubt the possibility of making it to China and with this bunch of awesome people in the team, a "fantabulous" team name, and a God that is of grace and favor, nothing is impossible :)

And so, the story continues. As Serene and I got a place in the crowded cafeteria, we sat down and started talking. Of some reason it came to Toastmasters so I told her about how last Saturday's first Toastmasters meeting was and how we needed to joined because of the business challenge requirement. And so the registration forms came into mind because she would need to fill in them as well. As I try to recall the forms... Dang! I forgot where is it! I remember myself holding the form after this morning's meet up with the toastmasters people but after that... Gosh I'm losing things again....

Just before I got the chance to panic or get depress over my favourite hobby of losing thins , I saw a stake of paper just a ruler's length away from my table. I flipped it unintentionally out of reflex, and to my very surprise, it is the registration forms that I lost! My jaw dropped as the pieces of happenings started fitting in my mind. So it means i actually left it at the cafeteria this morning and forgot to bring it back. And amazingly I came back here for a Second lunch which is usually very unlikely and coincidentally sat on the same table out of the whole crowded cafeteria. And it was only then that i realize i lost it and found it at the same time! Gosh even my words are tongued up by this insane coincidence!


God, Thank you so much for all this. Thanks for saving me the shame of going back to the advisor for new forms and write the the a big block word of "IRRESPONSIBLE" over my head as my first impression for her. Thanks for letting me know you are truly the unfathomable God is all mighty and surpasses human understanding and wisdom. Gosh, You're just amazing!

I haven't exactly have the time to blog but I just don't wanna take for granted this seemingly small, outwardly coincidental little happening of a normal day. He is real and He cares for even small things like thisfor me. What did I do to deserve such care and love! Thank You Jesus :)

May you're day be an amazing encounter with you're creator as well as He orchestras the big and also the small sweet things in life for you and my good :)

Have a blessed day people!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011






活在这小小地球的我们,如果没了太阳,就看不到姿态万千的生命,日夜和季节的轮回,生态里 各种形式的能源。而如果真是如此,自认天下无敌的我们恐也活不下去了。







Wednesday, February 2, 2011



爸正积极筹备着此校的80周年晚宴于筹款建造幼儿园与他一直挂在嘴边的雨盖篮球场。就这样,我成了他的专署typer. 他就坐在旁边指指点点,我就在那疯狂的绞尽脑汁回想N年前学的汉语拼音 =.=

“素仰 台端 热心公益,事业有成,早年受母校薰陶启蒙。诚系母校之光,华社之幸,尚祈应 带动母校完成建校基业,造福乡梓。有劳之处, 本会同仁谨此先行谢过, 千祈勿却是幸!"


和爸一起 “blogging”还真新鲜。有时他写好地搞上字体跟埃及的字语没两样。懒得问他时就拼命瞎猜,比如把“并设茶点招待”的‘设’看成‘没’,或在type high 时把港们弟子写成肛门弟子,谨此写成精子。哈哈。果真,本人的华语不但从来没有很好,也退步了很多。以前还能唱所欲言,能言善道,偶尔还会在作文簿子里看到年轻美貌的老师为我留下的‘情书’(不是因为师生恋而是我写的好啦 :p但现在的我,‘适而可止’还是‘适可而止’都分不清楚了。所以,帮爸爸写的通告或信都充满了不会spell而用的代替品,‘O’先生 :)

哇!爆竹和其他奇奇怪怪的鞭炮在外头砸个不停了! 耶!Kick 来了!




Happy Chinese New Year :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011