Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Red-Hot Tuesday, (Just to Counter the All-So-Famous Monday Blues)

Ditched our double-decker and camped on the floor last night with my roommate because it was too hot;

Was waken up by my housemate this morning because I was lazing over my snooze-time knowing without the wake up nudge I would definitely be late for work;

Went to the kitchen after I woke up and found super cute sandwiches ready, made and delivered by my neighbor!;

Texted my dad to ask when is he flying over to be treated by my first pay check dued this Wednesday on the way to the bus-stop;

Had a great talk with God and He told me many secrets on the cramped bus while going for work that I grinned myself among the morning bus-mates;

Was shared of the glory encounters my colleague had over her church camp last weekend at work and I knew the office atmosphere shifted.

As of today, my work in the office is designing, cutting and pasting

Just feel like running to everyone and giving them a great big hug!
What a great great day it is! And it's only the beginning :)

Blessed day everyone!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Good morning world

Friday, May 4, 2012


Partying the Malaysian way

Look at how the ministers put their hands in the air!

Maybe we should sing this song in proms? :)