Sunday, October 21, 2007

Smap me..Anyone?

Just woke up from a dreamy headache. Gosh i need some spanking or slapping or anything to wake up.

If i'm not mistaken the Super Pussy Menstrual is just 21 days to go!


Im surprise with how a huge bunch of friends treats this "menstrual" cause the time's ticking by and no one seem to be anxious about it! Hello??? Wake up !!!!

Count Down of S.P. Menstural

Ok, if its the holiday that is causing the draggy mood well today's the last day of it. Glad it is though i feel the opposite too.Haha, who wants holidays to end. But then i need to get my ass to school and see some A class study-people so that i'll feel guilty bout myself.Lol...

GIVE ME PRESSURE YOU!!! Give me lots! haha

I'll be having chinese literature exam tomorrow and i think i haven't studied even half.Though i always do best among those we take, haha>thanks to my wonderful GOd.

School's reopening, i have to get back to the underwear live and all the best to SPM sitters! MAy you listen more to Hillary Duff and wake up!

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