Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Yea its kinda sad to read bout that post even though i just finish a jolly happy post myself.
For those who wish to read more, click here Kayem. Nvm that its long, its worth reading.

I just thought it would be beneficial for anyone to hear out the voices of an optimistic person that was wrestling peacefully with death. she's a nice person and by just reading a lil of what she wrote i'm touched. So just spend sometime reading and may kay rest in peace. Don't really like the term "RIP" but i dunno any better ones so God bless Kay.


Anonymous said...

yeah, it kinda is hard to stay selfish and pessimist when you read what she wrote. we're perfectly fine yet we complain over the slightest things but she saw the best in everything. hard to find in a world like this. maybe only the ones who are leaving learn to appreciate life more.

Yang said...

Yep, live a day like ur gonna die tomorrow,guess she really understood how that feels...