Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Been visiting the gym very often recently, surprise to see that people there aren't bottled with ego. Instead, they are more than willing to console the juniors and motivate each other every time you lift an extra kg of steal and metal. Man that change my perspective of well-build man.
  1. They're aren't necessarily gays and,
  2. they're not arrogant.haha

My beloved W850 was acting weirdly for a few nights and before i realise, it went into a comma and had to be hospitalized. Hope it'll be fine as soon as possible. Feels awkward without a camera function beside. But anyways, a phone dosen't serve much purpose to me anymore since... T.T

Anyway great thanks to Jonathan for borrowing me his flat nokia phone =)

Meanwhile, i'll be playing more basketball so that i'll give a shock to the faces of Kuchingians that once look down on me!!! Jk XD Miss playing ball with a bunch of friends, be ready ballers in the City of Cats, i'm coming back! Paul u better train harder ha, haha =D

Though unfortunes seems to be drowning in, i'll be counting the blessings. Isn't it always better to see the bright side of things? :) May all the not good change to not-so-good and then evolve to better and better. Amen

Exam's scattered all over the month, study well everyone. Cheating will cause expelling around here. May God Bless everyone with High Distinction :)

Happy Examming


Anonymous said...

i'm staying in hostel too. ^^
good luck for ur exam.
try ur best n leave the rest to God.

Anonymous said...

thanks :)