Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Prayer

*typed a whole page of emo writings, of all the downs that i've been encountering. And the emotionless yet charcoal colored face that i unconsciously wear.

But when i think about it, whining doesn't make any difference nor aid to the situation. Holding on to problems means keeping them tight. Thanks devil , for making me realise that i'm in no way in charge of how my life should and can be. And thanks for showing me all your stupid tactics in putting me down.

"I surrender all to You". Sometimes we struggle so hard to comprehend on which doctrine to believe in as if its a choice. But when you truly feel the love of the true God, no arguments are needed.

Thank you Lord for being there always, in times of low and high, in times where i might took your presence for granted. I can't imagine what crazy stuff i'll be doing if it wasn't for You. Your love surpasses all things, and i hope everyone can understand that. No love on earth can be even up to compare with your Agape love.

Thank you Father for Your love. Amen


jen said...

above everything else, God is in control.

cheer up busy guy :)

swinnix said...
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Daniel said...


Shadow said...

You are depressed... Aren't you? Well... God will enlighten you up... Just wait for Him to do something in your life... and maybe you'll be surprised on His great plan for you.. BTW, your blog is quite interesting... i reli like it... cant wait to c your next post.. God bless...

Theresa said...

hi,keep going update ur blog..
it lets u share ur feeling, experiences and so on, and it helps me get know about u and improve my english too as u had a good writing skill ^^
one stone kills so many birds!!
gambateh..i will keep reading ur blog...

Yang said...

woa, thanks all :) great encouragement for me :D teehee

Shadow said...

Welcome Yang... glad to c you're encouraged... Go Go Go!!! Hua Ting! Jia You! Gambatte! if got time rmbr to update ur blog ya?!!!C you...

Yang said...

hua ting? haha. And btw, may i know who are u? :)

Shadow said...

Me... well... I believe you have a couple of pictures of me taken by ur precious camera that dun even let me hold it for few sec when... er..(let's not reveal too much XD) that i really wanna claim back frm you but no chance cuz u r too busy sometimes cant even c u(actually many times)during lecture.. hahaha... guess who I am? hmm... i just wanna remain unknown till the day you found out urself. Hua ting means jia you in Korean.

Yang said...

:) just wanna thank God for creating nice ppl like you all :)