Tuesday, December 7, 2010

hello! .... ops sorry

The ringing tone of my phone buzzed through my pocket as i rushed down the stairs. I didn't bother to answer because I knew it was Sung Nung trying calling me up for not being at the hostel gate at 9.30. With a heart that beats out of its routine i ran out from my hostel block towards the gate. Manners are not suppose to be forgotten even if you're not in the mood, so as usual I waved goodbye to the guard at the gates and rushed into the Kelisa parked right in front hostel. Hey, I didn't know Ah Nung brought a new friend along, and he's on the driver seat instead of Nung, i said 'Hi' anyway and cleared the backseat to let myself in. But the weird thing was, the new friend kept staring at me without returning the greeting. I look around wondering whether he was angry at me for being late. He exchanged looks with Nung and looked back at me with the utmost awkward expression,and then it got me!

I was in the wrong car!!!! O.O Embarrassment started to inflate me, I injected my deepest apologies both in words and facial expression and then rushed out of the car. Ah! Another Kelisa was parked behind this one!

What a great way to start a new day! Now i have a new story to tell on "the most embarrassing thing you have ever done".


Patrick said...

funny la~

swinnix said...
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miikael said...

so this scene was watchin by your friend behind?

got laughed?

Yang said...

haha, they taught i knew them and was saying hi XD