Sunday, January 13, 2008

Colours of Penang

Penang ~ Pearl of The Orient ~ >o<

Well i don't think i like taking typical photos like-the penang bridge! so won't appear anymore la.haha.

Its hard to capture these scenery but i tell you, its really breathe taking! The moon shining above the sea making a stream line of glow on the ocean through its reflection. Ah! its just really very very beautiful! People with better camera, please go take a photo of it!!! It is sooooooo amazing!


Anything with this photo? Observe that the handicam is actually facing that guy. He's like making that macho expression with his glasses and static head, than turn his cam around him like he's the star of some movie. haha. Vainness rocks ^^

The 660 cc kancil! I didn't complain bout traveling highways with this babe cause Nimai prove its worth driving XD Mum brought us wondering blindly round Penang with this car and a few confusing maps. hehe..


me eating KitKat in a 7/11 under our hotel XD yum~


I thought my dad's farms could have been a so called "botanical garden" too. lol. not impressive to me.

~The Reservoir~


aaah, didn't play that. Hussein did. haha

Del found a dog on the beach and just ran for it =.= She's such a DOGG!!!...lover.

So obvious its a picture between friends. haha :P



peace 2----

leg--- eh no, foot prints :P nice or not this picture? haha

i like it! :)

my sandals that i find very simple yet manly and undefined. huh???

the sun is doing the same thing as what i said bout the ignore the hand at the picture's corner, i was grabbing my phone so tight cause i'm afraid it jumps into the sea.. *TITANIC music plays...

Huang Hun music plays * hua wan zheng ke xia tian.....
Huang Hun means no, dusk.haha

Looks like an album cover too XD our second album- The BROTHERS.haha. had our photo shoot all the way at Penang. *calls manager :" elo! next time do at Sematan enough la"

Undefined : tata :)

all rights reserved ^^


Anonymous said...

did u see the 'manly yet undefined'?? did u did u? haha xD

Yang said...

haha XD where where? who wrote such e xing words. haha