Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

When i was a kid i never knew how significant Good Friday was.
I knew it was the day that Jesus was crucify but i didn't felt and understand it deeply.
All i remember was the whole church would hold candles and the lights would be turn off,
looks very peaceful and holly to me :)

And for many years, I was looking forward to the day that my birthday meets the same day as Good Friday :p And it did! haha

But actually, actually Good Friday wasn't just a holy day for a holiday.
(My primary school was St. Paul and we do have holidays on holy days :)

Hey! maybe the word holiday originates from Holy Days XD
~~~~checks wikipedia~~~~~~
O my o my, it really originates from
Holy and Days!!! XDD

To me it means everything there is to a Christian.

On this day,
He was punish so that we shall never have condemnation,
He who who never sin suffered punishments and brutality so that we enjoy all the WONDERFUL blessings,
He who died on the Cross so that we have a new covenant with God :)

Though a lot of Christians hold slightly different teachings and believes (like me and Yien).But ultimately we love Christ and Christ love us so,
let's just be very happy to be siblings in Christ :)))

everything oooo, everything everything ooo...
no matter what you say bout love....

ops :P

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