Addicted to the song. lalalala.. Actually quite happy that she made a (successful) comeback. Kinda missed her.
Anyways, these days i've been very busy. le sigh. That's it, not gonna complain. I'm trying to cut down my whining and complaining (GASP) cause every time after i complain about sth i feel bad.
One thing I realized, my brother has never watched
Power Rangers. O.M.G
:O I didn't know, I thought that every kid has watched that! (like how I naively thought that everyone should be able to ride a bike and swim and yes i was flabbergasted shocked when i knew some ppl can't cause i thought that it's something essential like learning how to walk this sentence is damn long. )
I still remember man, 1996, Sat 6.00 pm, i watched the first episode of Power Rangers with my sis. Nostalgic.
Speaking about cartoons, I think the cartoons back in the 90's is the best. The ones now, like the... what..Phinus and Fern (?) [can't spell] is like....crap ok. (i hate all the cartoons now including kim's possible except for KND)
Cartoons i loved back then (:D so happy when i talk about this)
Adam's Family -
Little Lulu (omg!!!!! i LOOOVEEE this one *little lulu little lulu*)
GHOSTBUSTERS (my bro has also seemed to not watched/remember this BUT THIS ONE IS SO GOOD)
- Wild Thornberries (actually at first i hated this cause the girl's voice is damn annoying and like..what..she can speak to animals but yeah eventually loved it lol)
Tom & Jerry (if u have never watched this, u basically have no childhood)
- Micky Mouse
- Winnie the Pooh (no matter how annoying tigger is)
Spongebob square pants (C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G SONG)
Scooby Doo Mysteries(:D :D :D)
Archie *sth sth* Mysteries- The Jetstones
- The Flinstones
Courage the Cowardly Dog (still watch this now :p)
The Powerpuff Girls (classic)
Dexter's Laboratory-
Ed, Edd & Eddy ( sad, still can't differentiate the word Ed and Edd)
Captain Planet (yes, by now you should know i watch too many cartoon network)
PB & J Otter - Cow & Chicken
RUGRATS- that madelein (can't spell AGAIN) girl who lived in the name.
Still got so much more...just..can't remember.
Speaking of animated movies, i think my fav (besides the usual disney-s), is
Some people (actually most) i know has never watched this. Why? This is seriously the best animated movie out there.
Reasons to watch (if u have not watched it)
- It's an Academy Award Nominated Animated movie.
- U see the Eiffel Tower? Anything in France is GOOD.
- It's about this long lost Russian princess. Russian + princess = very PRETTY princess
- The music is AWESOME. (duh~ that's why it was nominated for 2 awards)
- Set in the 1920's, the era whr ppl wear nicely and look pretty and have those nice balls and all.
- Got music box. Music boxes are pretty, mystical things.
To me it shows confusion and ignorance.
It is confused about being abandoned. And yet not scared, because it's too innocent to know it is now alone.."