Friday, April 29, 2011

Notice: Sushi Halt

Due to the happenings in Japan, which caused radiation pollution on some Japanese imports, Sushi Love Rice will be temporary closed to ensure the best interest of all parties.

However music is not radiation pollute-able, so feel free to drop by and let the songs play (thanks wesha). Afterall Adhitia Sofyan's from Indonesia not Japan :)

Till further notice is given, keep praying for Japan, and keep loving sushi


miikael said...

"Sushi Love Rice will be temporary closed to ensure the best interest of all parties."

This statement makes me keep laughing! LOLLLLL

well, dun close too long, dun be so lazy!

*Praying praying praying*

Yang said...

hahaha, okok, have a great fun holiday in Singapore ya :)

Wesha Ooi said...

You are welcome! (:
Glad someone likes it like I do. (:
But u missed secret, adhitiya sofyan. Thats best!