Love, an element, that seems to be such essential to human beings. No one in this whole wide world would not desire it, unless their perception of love is truly torn. Such a wonderful necessity, yet funny how it is so difficult to understand.
Many, grasped love from the romantic movies, scenes and books, of affection and compassion, Romeo and Juliet, of a man and a woman. I wasn't the outcast. Why not? That's how the world teaches us of love. I love you my beloved, i know i do because you give me the tingles and my heart skipped when i see you. Or is it love? This love bores many wonderful things, happiness, memories, gifts, joy, satisfaction, sex. And since when love became a synonym to sex?
Some, found love from parental love. Of how parents laid down everything they have to provide every necessity or need their loved ones desire. The willingness to sacrifice, to be able to give everything and anything just to put a smile on the face of who their hearts kept.
How about the love for a situation, a condition or a place. Where these things brings magical feelings that tingles every part of our veins and secretes unspeakable joy out of us. I love merry-go-rounds, starbucks, John Mayer and the guitar. I really do, they make me happy.
Love, has so many forms, and it definitely has a meaning way greater than a mere emotion. Some people may think they really understand love, defining it as "receiving someone as a whole", or "the deep emotion and feelings for someone". But what really is love? Such a wonderful necessity, yet so difficult to understand.
I believe, that no one can truly and thoroughly be done with the learning of this simple yet complex topic of, love. The more you understand, the more you realize how vast love can be and how little we know of love.
Think of how corrupted the love that the world teaches us, for a guy would be unable to say "I love you" to his guy friend, without igniting suspicious thoughts of his sexuality. Blasphemy!
Love. How can i ever understand, that one can lay down everything to love all out, yet really in their mind and soul expect nothing back in return. How? How can one endure all the hardship, pain and sadness from the result of loving someone that could only break your heart, and yet be silent about it and love back even more? No, no man will be able to love with such capacity, without its limit.
Oh Lord, i tried to think from your point of view. To create a living race to enjoy this great element with, to have a love relationship with, to not just give everything, but more than that, to Love all out! And yet, the very thing that you created to savor these deep fellowship with sinned against you, like how one's most dearest betrayed against them, and chose to stand for sin, the very thing that you hated. Facing all these, yet you still love them, these undeserving ones, slowly they departed from this relationship built on love, and even go to the extend to survive completely without you, forgetting you, accused you, hate you.
And yet, you still Love them, so ever dearly, never-changing. My words are incapable of describing such immense love! How can we find such compassion!
Your love did not stop there, you sent your one and only Son, to the world, to save your dear creations from continuing in their indulgence in sinful, painful, hurtful works. You know their pain, you know what they need, and you gave without asking in return. You gave it all, through your son's death, EVERYTHING was given along it, and all they needed to do was to repent and come back to you, your love.
From my human view, you should be very very joyful, when your dearest creation came back to you, they repented their ways, and believe throughly of your love. Oh the Joy! Finally! They understood How Much you loved them, all this while. But yet, the ones that came back to you, that made you so happy, would depart you AGAIN, choosing to sin, and hurt your heart once more, and another time more, and again, and again...
For a human to understand that, how impossible. Would anyone be able to accept the betrayal of their love ones countless times? We would be too heart broken to even dare to love. And yet Your love never-change. "So that gives us allowance to keep sinning?", one may say. How foolish of them! Isn't that an act of taking advantage on someone that gave their most precious gift, and tore it violently and stab it brutally on it? And yet You never tore down your love, and was ever willing to be taken advantage on, because His Love is of such ampleness!
Thanks Lord, for teaching how amazing your LOVE is, and how this great love can flow through me to others. No matter how painful the nights maybe tearing over the hurts that the world gave, it is incomparable to what you have endured. Being able to know this, i understand how much more love can mean, and how little of love that i have truly understand.
Thank You!