Saturday, December 15, 2007


Photographing still, with my phone camera although Del brought her cam.Feels inconvenient for me to on/off the cam cause it may cost me to miss nice shots :p haha.

It looks like Sarawak river around "Riverside" seperating Kuching city with that over-done billion costing Parliament building in Kuching. But geography thought me its a "Selat" so i think its a sea, or ocean, or whatever .haha.

I think Johor has twice even trice the population of Kuching. Makes me wonder how pack "The Spring", "Boulevard" and any other mega malls will be once they meet customers in 2008. "Got so many ppl merR? ":p

Who's that????

~its me! adele, can't you see ???~

-um... like no...

There's a new way of begging around Johor. This old man goes around with a harmonica blowing "melody-less" sound to annoy people i guess. Once it gets on your nerves you'll just give him $ to shuw him away. Haha.

That's all for now, haha, byebye~~

Anyway if your Chinese literate, i wish you an informal Merry Christmas
For all human language literate friends, May all your dreams come true :p

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